what to do for hiring success in 128 words 

One minute read #3
There are 6 areas in your hiring set-up that must be in order before you can consistently hire well. Not only that – they must integrate with each other so the whole hiring machine operates smoothly.
These are the key 5 areas:
- A high calibre team delivering your operational ‘go to market’ capability.
- Well documented and communicated processes and systems to ensure best practice
- A strong offering to candidates (your employer value proposition) that is well communicated both internally and to the external market (your Employer Brand).
- Well trained hiring managers who understand how to screen for the right traits and values, not just skills and experience. They must also be proactive brand ambassadors for you as an employer.
- A constant flow of useful data around competitor activity, what causes your churn, employee satisfaction and general market intelligence.
- A workforce plan which identifies your future skill requirements and creates a platform for engaging those communities, far in advance of when your need is urgent.
One of the services we offer at Stone is a hiring health-check. This fast and effective audit process is used to identify the strengths and weaknesses in your current hiring set-up in relation to the above areas.
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