stone: the recruitment evolution 

By Chris Andrews – Director and Head of Advisory
From picking up rocks, to starting a recruitment evolution, our Director Chris Andrews explains why and how, Stone was born

I spent several years as a frustrated recruiter. I was fixing under 10% of the mistakes I saw being made regularly during hiring processes, but unable to get involved in the areas that really impact consistently good hiring.
So I began to catalogue the errors that occurred consistently across hiring processes across multiple companies, industries and levels, then built a checklist with a best practice approach as the benchmark.
My goal naturally shifted from hiring the best person as a one off, to building the best methodologies for hiring the best people consistently.
Several years of picking up rocks to see what was underneath them and we now have a system of checks and methodologies that we can apply to any business and their hiring ‘supply chain’. Our ecosystem of services now encompasses Recruitment Delivery, as well as Employer Branding, Workforce Planning and Process Optimisation.
I love the fact that we are constantly learning and innovating, getting things wrong, collaborating with clients and strategic partners, looking for the best way forward in every aspect of every process. It’s a long way from sending a few resumes and hoping someone gets the job!
This capability to manage the big picture for clients means that growing firms can make just one call and initiate a process to make their life easier, their hiring better, and their company stronger.
Contact us to enquire about our services and join the evolution, today!