meet susan moussa – associate consultant 

Meet Susan! Cat obsessed, chatterbox and useless advice giver. If you ask anyone at Stone what Susan’s greatest strength is, they will tell you ‘just being Susan’!
Here, we find out more:
How did you get to where you are now? I have known Jon for a number of years in a professional sense as he helped place me in a role in payroll a long time ago. I have worked in finance roles in many different industries, including recruitment. I would speak to candidates on a weekly basis about their timesheets, started to understand the candidate life cycle and slowly got involved in the resourcing side of things. Now I am resourcing full time, it’s a good change and my background in accounts and payroll really helps when I am resourcing for these particular roles as I am properly able to relate to those candidates.
What do you love about recruitment? Interacting with people! I’m a chatter box, so communicating all day every day with people is great. I also love the learnings that come from the role.
What are you most passionate about in this role? I enjoy helping people find the right job for them. Hearing the gratitude and feedback from candidates is amazing and a great feeling, especially if you have had a bad day.
Favourite past time? I love cats, especially tigers. If I could spend my days relaxing, feeding, and bathing tigers I absolutely would! As I can work remotely at Stone, I could still work whilst doing this – everyone’s a winner!
Favourite food? Probably not everyone’s first choice, but any flavour of sorbet ice-cream! Or, hot chips and a burger with beetroot and pineapple. Yum!
Something you’d tell your teenage self? Go after and get what you really want. I come from a big family (who are great!), but sometimes it was hard to break away from expectations.
Random fact about yourself? I love numbers and data and come from a background of payroll and accounts and had never thought about resourcing and the world of recruitment until a few years ago. I am process driven, so I think that definitely helps. My favourite colour is leopard print (it’s a colour!)
What makes Stone different? The team is amazing and very supportive. It is a great work environment, and the team brings so much positive energy. I love talking to friends and family and even candidates about my job and Stone and I haven’t really had that with any other job before.
Toes for fingers, or fingers for toes? Fingers for fingers and fingers for toes! I can’t stand feet at all!
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