meet smetha raju – associate consultant 

Today, it was Smetha, Stone’s freshest team member’s turn to answer a few quick questions!

How did you get to where you are now? – After I completed my Bachelor’s degree in Business Management, I made the crazy decision to move from Bangalore, India, to Sydney to study for a Master’s in Business Administration. This turned out to be the best decision I have ever made! Six years later, I am married and we have just recently purchased our first home. I have worked in industries where I would never have had the opportunity to do so in India and have met a great support network – both personally and professionally.
What do you love about recruitment? – Job hunting can often be very daunting, stressful and lonely! I love being able to support candidates throughout the entire process. I also love hearing the candidates receive their job offer – such a great feeling!
What are you most passionate about in this role? I love talking, so I am excited to build and maintain our networks of both clients and candidates. I am most excited to start creating these relationships with our candidates beacuse as I have recently been one myself, I feel I will be able to relate to them a lot, which will be nice.
Favourite past time? – Watching movies, hanging out with friends and eating good food! As we have just moved into a new house, I am also finding myself enjoying tidying and organising each room – something I never thought I would find fun!
Favourite food? – Seafood!
Something you’d tell your teenage self? – Probably not the most valuable advice, but cut the chocolate Smetha! It is much easier to put on a few pounds than lose them! Also, if I had known that I would be calling another country home, then I would tell her to really value family time and make the most out of each day!
Random fact about yourself? – Never in my life did I think I would skydive, but I did it and it was AMAZING!
What makes Stone different? – Stone looks at the full picture. We don’t just find any candidate to fill a role; we take the steps needed to ensure that they are perfect!
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