meet jon wright – head of delivery 

Jon Wright, Stone’s Head of Delivery found some time in-between new parent duties and work to answer some questions. Jon’s work ethic never faulters as he works hard sourcing, shortlisting and delivering great candidates for our clients.
Let’s get to know Jon:

How did you get to where you are now? I started my career as a commercial accountant and after 8 years I was searching for more. I had been working with a high-growth SME where I progressed to be the General Manager at the time and had done a significant amount of hiring and seeing the good and bad of recruitment. I found the concept of a career in recruitment appealing and thought I could do a better job than most of what I had experienced both as a candidate and a hiring Manager.
After meeting a number of recruiters, I met with Chris and joined Stone. Now, here I am 5 years later and helping redevelop the business into its current full service model.
What do you love about recruitment? I get great satisfaction in building successful teams and seeing the impact candidates I place have on a business’ performance.
How you think 2020 has changed the industry? I see the main change being the increased adoption of technology in the hiring processes, with the main one in 2020 being Zoom. It has replaced many face-to-face interviews and even if it is just the initial interview stage, the time saved for both hiring Managers and candidates has been a positive takeaway.
How does the next 12 months look for a hiring Manager? Hiring Managers will need to be clear on what they can offer potential employees and not just remuneration. They will need to be honest about future opportunities for professional development, job security and any flexible work arrangements.
How does the next 12 months look for a candidate? In the next 12 months, candidates will need to show their value more than ever so you stand out from the crowd, e.g. you really need to be able to relate your strengths and past achievements to the role you want to secure.
Favourite past time? AFL. Years ago I was a player and then a coach, but now I’m purely a spectator.
Favourite food? Italian, you can’t beat great pasta!
Something you’d tell your teenage self? Buy shares in Apple.
Random fact about yourself? My wife gave birth to our first child (Austin) in October 2020 and I can’t believe how much time I used to have!
Contact Jon today to find out more about his talent networks and how he can help find you your next superstar.