meet emily matthews – head of marketing 

Emily Matthews who heads up the Marketing team, and who is affectionately called Stone’s “Creative Guru,” found time out of her busy day full of writing and being a dog Mum to answer some questions.
Let’s get to know Emily:
How did you get to where you are now? I studied English Literature and Creative Writing at University in Wales in the UK and as cliché as it sounds, this was where I really fell in love with words. I find it incredible how words can have such a powerful and emotive effect on people and how, dependent on the platforms and medium’s used, completely change how the information is digested by consumers.

I flew to Cairns from the UK five years ago and when I landed, the realisation hit that I did not know a single person in the country – bold move by me. I set about cementing networks and moving around, before finally settling in Sydney (when you know, you know, right?) Since then, I have worked in multiple marketing and recruitment firms in various industries, until I found myself here at Stone.
What do you love about recruitment? My answer to this is quite simple – I love hearing the excitement in a candidate’s voice when they get a call from us to discuss an opportunity, but most of all, when you get to tell them that they have been successful in securing a role. I have even had some candidate’s cry with happiness on the end of the phone before and it is so heart-warming to hear!
What are you most passionate about in this role? Well, I am super excited for the future. We have lots bubbling away in the background and like all the team, I am keen to get it out to the world! In a role like this, there is so much room for creativity! I love reviewing our analytics to see what information, articles, or blog posts our clients and candidates are engaging with the most – this ultimately means that we can work to post more of the content that they want to see!
Favourite past time? I had horses growing up and riding was a big part of my life. I still have a horse called Paddy back in the UK who I have had now for fourteen years and of course I miss him terribly. I don’t get to ride much in Australia, but I definitely wish I could.
Favourite food? Cereal and Pizza – Pineapple, on.
Something you’d tell your teenage self? Wipe off that blue eyeliner and stop yelling at your parents for no reason. They are just trying to tell you that your fringe is covering your eyes.
Random fact about yourself? I LOVE cereal. I could eat it three times a day, seven days a week. Definitely been close to that…
What makes Stone different? Its culture! Apart from our great and unique recruitment model, the company is fab to work for. We all share the same core values and sense of humour. I love knowing that I am surrounded by such knowledgeable and supportive colleagues and that if I need advice or a laugh, then they are just a phone call away. Also, I won’t name any names, but somebody’s joke repertoire may need working on…
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