meet astrid drago – associate consultant 

Astrid, fondly known as Asteroid, or surf grom, is one of our newest team members. A people person, an adventurer and a foodie, what isn’t to like?
How did you get to where you are now? I studied Business back in Argentina and before I graduated from university, I started working in Marketing for an IT company. During my time there I had my first encounters with recruitment. In Argentina, the IT market is very very (very) competitive and the company I was working for was competing against big tech giants to find talent. I was part of the team that helped to build and communicate our solid employer brand and as such, was interacting with our talent acquisition teams a lot. We couldn’t compete with salary against these giants, so had to win candidates over in other ways. In 2018, I left everything to travel and came to Australia on a working holiday visa and spent a few years just travelling the country (and living the dream). 2022 was the year I wanted to get back to growing in my career and was recommended Stone by a friend. Their culture and unique business model had me sold and here I am!
What do you love about recruitment? Even though your job is not everything in life, it is a pretty important part of it. Working in recruitment gives me a sense of purpose as I’m contributing to our clients’ success whilst also helping someone find their dream job.

What are you most passionate about in this role? I love giving others the chance to grow in their chosen career path.
Favourite past time? Surfing and spending time at the beach under a palm tree. I have always been a beach person, but surfing caught my attention when I was around 10 years old. In Argentina we don’t have good waves so I’ve always wanted to go to Hawaii to try it. When I was 16 I ended up coming to Oz and of course I needed to give it a go, so I booked a surf camp. After that, I was obsessed with surfing and my life has revolved around it ever since.
Favourite food? Pizza, pizza, and more pizza, but I leave the pineapple to Emily.
Something you’d tell your teenage self? Be grateful with what you have, enjoy life, and don’t take everything personal, we are all doing what we can.
Random fact about yourself? I can move my belly like a belly dancer and my dream job as a kid was to be a F1 driver! (I’m definitely still a kid at heart)
What makes Stone different? I don’t want to sound cheesy, but I have to say its culture and the values we all share as a team. We all come from different backgrounds both culturally and professionally and are all open to learn from each other and help each other – it’s great.
Toes for fingers, or fingers for toes? Being honest, I had to google this one for help and now I can say that I would rather fingers for toes so I can move around the jungle like Tarzan (my fave movie as a kid!).
Favourite country you visited and why? Even though I have travelled a lot (mainly around South America), I feel there’s still so many countries I would love to visit, but If I have to choose one, I would say Brazil. I have been to Brazil many times; as a kid my parents used to take us to our neighbouring country for holidays (I am originally from Argentina), so I have a lot of great family memories over there. Moreover, Brazil is the reason why I am a beach fan, the mix between jungle and beach, the chilled and happy vibes on the streets, their mix of cultures and their music. In my opinion, Brazil is to Argentinians, what Bali is to Aussies, I just feel happy and relaxed whenever I visit.
Click here to get in touch with Astrid and the Stone team today!