4 must do (and simple) resume hacks 

By Chris Andrews – Founder
Resume advice is one of the low-hanging fruits of recruiter blogs. As a result, there is a lot of it about and for 10 recruiters you will have 10 different opinions.
However, my advice below is based on feedback from experienced recruiters, who have screened literally thousands upon thousands of resumes. These 4 points are very simple and yet we see them time and again. Here they are:
- No Gaps
Make sure every month in at least the last 10 years is accounted for. That means no unexplained gaps between roles and also adding months, not just years, when inputting dates. Generally, an unexplained gap in a resume is viewed negatively, with the implication being there is something to hide, or at best a lack of attention to detail.
2. Describe each company you worked for
My greatest bugbear. Always write a line or two describing the companies you worked for, as this is essential context for the reader. Without any information on the company someone works for, it is so hard to visualize the nature and scale of their role.
3. Outline key achievements and understand what that achievement says about you
This is a frequently proffered piece of advice. Too many resumes come across as a job description rather than a demonstration of someone’s unique achievements. These are what set us apart from our peers and are therefore the most important aspect of a resume. They should allude to quantifiable achievements of tangible benefit to the employer. Equally importantly they should be relevant to the role you are applying for, or at least relevant to the seniority of position you are targetting in general.
4. Avoid generic summaries
If you add a summary to your resume then, again, it needs to be specific. For example, mention your qualifications, where you have worked, specific industries or skills that differentiate you. Summaries which mean nothing are ignored by search engines and recruiters alike. Team player, independent thinker, dynamic, people person, etc. are all just words that may resonate with you and be completely true, but they add nothing to your profile.